The Marketization of Society: Economizing the Non-Economic

Die Sektionen Soziologische Theorie und Wirtschaftssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie diese Konferenz. Aus der Ankündigung (Programm s.u.):
The marketization of contemporary society, especially of non-economic sub-systems such as health care, education, arts, or science, has been a hot topic of public debates as well as a subject of many empirical studies.
Marketization and economizing are topics of a number of research perspectives in sociology and other social sciences, above all: Sociological theorie of modern society, “new” economic sociology, governance perspective, empirical studies of specific sectors of society.
This conference will focus on a more general theoretical level. Its target groups are not sector-specialists but those interested in analysing the basic mechanisms as well as the general consequences of marketization and economizing in contemporary society.
Key questions as guidelines for presentations and discussions:

  • How can the economizing of the non-economic spheres of society be conceptualized? What are the constitutive properties of this phenomenon, and what types of it can be distinguished – with marketization as a prominent but not the only type?
  • How do dynamics of economizing and marketization proceed? What are their origins, conditions, and mechanisms, and what determines their strength? How do typical conflicts about the introduction and establishment of measures of economizing look like?
  • What are the consequences of economizing and marketization? To which extent are intended consequences reached, and which unintended and undesired consequences happen? Which functional and dysfunctional outcomes can be discerned, and from whose perspective?

Until May 15, 2012 with the attached registration form – email address:
with the subject “marketization-2012”.